Dog River Horse Club Inc. Bylaws Article I - Name The name of the club shall be the Dog River Horse Club Inc. (DRHC)
Article II - Purpose The purpose of this club is to provide an educational environment, which will widen our knowledge and understanding of the horse. We will achieve this expectation through educational videos, professional presentation and informal sharing. Safety shall be stressed, and different disciplines and methods welcomed. The intent of this club is to provide social opportunity for friendship and fun among those with a shared interest. Pleasure rides, informal gatherings throughout the year and other similar, non-profitable activities will be an active segment of this club. Last, we hope to develop and nurture community support through awareness, understanding, courtesy and respect.
Article III- Membership Membership is open to all persons, and any person participating in a DRHC activity must be a member of the club. Riders under the age of l6 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times on club rides. A signature from a parent or Legal guardian must be provided on the membership form for members under the age of 18.
Section I- lndividual membership
Section II- Family membership - a) One couple per house; or b) Parent(s) and their children under 18, or the legal Guardian of the children.
Section III - Members of the Dog River Horse Club Inc. shall have voting power as follows: Individual membershave power consisting of one vote. For official votes,l8 and older. Family membershave voting power of two votes if two family members are present. For official votes,l8 and older. New members have voting power after one year of membership. Current members Memberships must be in ny April 1st to vote at annual meeting.
Section IV - Fees for the calendar year shall be set by the Executive Board. All memberships are for the calendar year.
Section V- Any member who knowingly presents any fraudulent information to DRHC or misrepresents DRHC for any purpose or anyone that commits willful violations of club by-laws and rules may be dismissed from the club permanently after review of all documentation by the board of directors and officers.
Article IV - Officers The officers of the Club will be elected at the annual meeting to serve a one year term and shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Officers shall attend the annual Board meeting.
Section I - .President: Shall not vote unless to break a tie. Shall preside at all meetings and see that the by-laws and rules and regulations of the Club are obeyed. President will have authority to endorse checks. Outgoing President may serve one term on the Board of Directors without being voted in.
Section II -Vice President: Will preside over meetings in the absence of the President. lf the President's office becomes vacant; the Vice President shall fill the office until the annual meeting.
Section III - Secretary: Record and report the minutes of the regular meetings and the minutes of the Board Meetings. Club correspondence, other than committee work shall be the duty of the Secretary.
Section IV - Treasurer: Shall receive all monies and keep an accurate account of all business transactions. The Treasurer will pay any and all bills and ordinary expenses in a timely manner and will be authorized to endorse checks and will be required to provide a financial report at the end of the calendar year.
Article V - Board of Directors The Board of Directors shall consist of at least 4 elected members with a maximum of 8. A Chairperson shall be elected by the Board.
Section I - Requirements: Individuals must demonstrate interest and participation in club activities.
Section II - Duties: Be the governing Board of the Club and in all respects shall have the authority to act for and on behalf of this club. And shall be the deciding authority in any discussion or formal complaint regarding any item concerning this club. The only restriction on their actions shall be that they shall not take any action contrary to specific direction by the members at an annual or special meeting.
Section III - Term: Terms of service will alternate with at least two Board members being elected each year for a three-year term.
Article VI - The Executive Board The Executive Board shall consist of four Officers and the Board of Directors. Executive Board will meet at least once a year.
Article VII - Election The Officers and the Board of Directors shall be elected by the Members at the Annual meeting in April of each year. Outgoing president may vote at the Annual meeting in April. Elected Officers will assume office at the end of the Annual Meeting.
Article VIII- Quorum At all membership meetings those members present shall constitute a quorum. Article IX - Vacancies The Board of Directors shall fill vacancies in the Board of Directors or an Office (other than President). and the replacement(s) shall serve until the Annual Meeting. Article X - Amendments These By-laws shall be reviewed yearly by the Executive Board who shall recommend proposed amendments. Proposed amendments will need to be to be approved by a majority vote at a special or Annual Meeting. Membership shall be notified thirty (30) days in advance of a vote on a proposed amendment. Article XI - Non-Profit Status The Club shall not be conducted or operated for profit, and no part of any profits or remainder or residue from dues or donations to the Club shall inure to the benefit of any member or individual. ln the event this Association shall dissolve or disband, any funds remaining on hand shall be donated to some charitable organization or organizations dedicated to education and/or the protection of horses. Article XII - Coggins Requirement At any and all club equine events, the Dog River Horse Club, Inc. requires a negative Coggins report, dated within twelve (I 2) months of the event, for each participating horse.